Camelia, a dedicated massage therapist, was ready to take her business to new heights by enhancing her online presence. She quickly realised that in order to be taken seriously in the digital world, she needed exceptional photographs that would capture her story and resonate with potential clients.

While the photos on her previous website were decent, they fell short of effectively conveying her unique approach and the essence of her services, making it challenging to persuade more people to reach out.

That’s when Camelia decided to collaborate with Claire Thyvierat, the creative genius behind “Your Creative Side Geek,” who was tasked with redesigning Camelia’s website. Claire provided us with a comprehensive brief, including a new logo design, colour palette, mood board, and other essential details to prepare for the upcoming photoshoot.

Before the photoshoot, I had the pleasure of meeting Camelia to gain insight into her client-focused approach and understand how she works her magic.

On the day of the photoshoot, Claire and I meticulously arranged the studio to align with the chosen colour scheme. We were fortunate to have gorgeous, warm natural light streaming into my studio, providing the perfect backdrop for our photography.

While Camelia expertly performed her massage, I captured a series of photographs showcasing the various techniques she employs in her practice. Each shot was meticulously composed to highlight the precision and care that goes into her work.

Now Camelia has a bank of bespoke images to use on her website as well as across all her social media and for print. Can’t wait to see how she puts them to use!

And by the way, Camelias’ massages are fantastic, and I highly recommend trying one. Here’s the link to her website, which just got a brand-new look.

Another great small business to recommend is “Claire Thi – Your Creative Side Geek” with Clare, who created a new website look for Camelia.